Exit Review &
Contract Settlement
Please take a moment to fill out our exiting agent review form so we may have a better understanding of the reasons of your departure. In addition, this allows us to properly close out your accounts and prepare documentation (if needed) for any pending sales or active listings to make your transition as seamless for you as possible. The feedback shared will be shared with any necessary persons.
All agents leaving the team must complete the following: turn in any office keys, borrowed books, technology, lockboxes, and anything else you may have checked out or borrowed during your time at Luxe Omni. All items must be turned in within 24 hours or a $100 per day late fee will be incurred. Any fees for listing photos/videos will be due immediately. If you have used any services which are not yet billed such as photos for example, you will still be responsible for paying these expenses. If you have a current outstanding balance, it must be paid immediately.
Exit Review
Please answer a few questions as honestly as possible to help us understand your experience at Luxe Omni.
Contract Settlement
Please fully complete the section below for all listings and buyer contracts.